If you’ve stopped in for a visit before, you know I’m a garden-loving girl.
The good news?
We have a beautiful yard that we love spending time in!
The bad news?
After a really good Spring cleaning in early April-ish, the inside of our house is neglected most summers.
I may or may not run the vacuum and dust mop around the rooms, bat back the cob webs and clean the kitchen and bathrooms once a week.
This year, however, we are moving. And we are about six weeks from getting our house on the market.
Finger crossed…
Nothing makes you realize how much “stuff” you’ve acquired until you try looking at every nook, cranny, cupboard and closet like a potential buyer would…
We’re at 10 trips to the Goodwill and counting…
This last week or two I’ve been focusing on the master suite. While I thought we were organized and tidy, I realized that was only in my mind!
The reality was our closets, drawers and cupboards were jam packed…
But the master suite is finally done!
6 Quick Ideas for Organizing your Master Suite
I thought it might help you get your house in order this spring if I shared a few tricks I used to get our master suite organized.
Tip #1: Anchor the Vanity with a Tray
My first step was to organize the things we use everyday in the master bath. Not as easy as it sounds!
Then I used a tray on the vanity as an anchor for some of the “stuff” we use often. It just looks a little neater that way.
Tip #2: Use Pretty Jars and Vases for Storing Cosmetics and Supplies
Then I wrangled the 42 tubes of lipstick I can’t seem to cut back on and the clips for my curlers (yes…I’m old school and use hot curlers!) that are always falling all over the counter in to pretty jars.
Fast access in the morning, but still pretty on the vanity.
And I used a fun little vase to store my makeup brushes…
Such a simple little thing but it’s made me much speedier in the morning.
No more pawing around in a drawer trying to find the right brush!
Tip #3: Use Drawer Organizers
I finally did what some of you probably already do…
Use containers and dividers to organize our vanity drawers.
My makeup drawer and our hair products drawer were both such an out of control, ridiculous mess.
What is even more ridiculous?
I hardly wear any makeup! Almost everything in the drawer was outdated and ended up in the trash.
I have to say, I feel soooo much less stress when I open any of the drawers in the vanity now!
And they will look much better when potential buyers are looking through them.
Tip #4: Pretty Up the Towels
The towels even got in on the act…
We stayed in a real whoop-de-do hotel a few years ago.
I loved how they stored their towels in a beautiful armoire in the bathroom.
Rolled up pretty and…tied with a ribbon.
Yeah. No ribbons here but they do look a lot better than those stacks that are always falling all over the place don’t they?
And it is so quick and easy to roll them when they come out of the dryer!
Organizing Dresser Drawers
Then it was time to move on and tackle the dresser drawers…
Ugh. This was a real challenge. A two big glasses of prissy girl Moscato kind of challenge…
A few years ago I walked in to Arhaus and a bedroom chest and dresser set knocked my socks off!
They were just what I was looking for to go with our iron bed.
One thing I wasn’t smart enough to consider is that these are DEEP drawers…the photos don’t really show just how deep.
Which means we are always pawing around in them when we are looking for something in a hurry.
And aren’t we all always in a hurry when we are getting ready?
Then I started reading about the Kon Mari method.
While I so wanted to slow down long enough to master her fancy folds, I just don’t have that much time for something that really won’t land in the drawer for very long.
But I loved her idea of making things easier to see and sorting by color.
Tip #5: Store Tops and Shorts Sideways and by Color in the Drawer
So I comprised. I took everything out of the drawers like she suggested…and got rid of everything we hadn’t worn in the last year-ish.
I folded the “keepers,” sorted them by color and stacked them sideways in a modified Kon Mari…
And you know what?
It works! So much easier and faster to find what we need.
So I used this technique for our tops, shorts and workout clothes.
Tip #6: Get Those Boots Off the Closet Floor
I may have a boot addiction that at some point is going to require an intervention…
From early Fall through early Spring, I live in them.
But they kind hog space in the closet floor.
After a few trips around Pinterest, I found a solution.
I used skirt hangars with padded clips to hang them in the bottom corner of the closet
If only I were a better photographer so you could see how much better they look…
I make sure the clip is on the part of the leather that is reinforced so it doesn’t stretch the leather or leave marks…
No more crawling around on the floor in the morning trying to find both boots!
Which helps get my day off to a much better start…
Master Suite is Organized and Clean!
Now that things are cleaned and organized, I can move on to the fun stuff…
Staging and styling our master suite before the real estate agent comes to take pictures!
If you don’t already, please follow me on Pinterest! I’m always looking for new friends who love a good home and garden project, too.
And if you are looking for more great cleaning and organizing tips, a few blogger friends have posts you will want to check out!
Please be sure to visit:
Clever Ways to Organize Books and Magazines
Tackling the Craft Closet Kon Mari Style
Kon Mari Organizing Project #3: Refrigerator, DIY Deodorizer and a Printable!
Here’s a great image to pin to your organizing board in case you want to use a few of my tips in your own home!
Love the use of a pretty vase for the makeup brushes!
Thanks! It was an inexpensive HomeGoods find…