Three Stops on the Crazy Train to a Creative Life
I’ve reached the half way point in the 31 Days of Writing Challenge! If you look at my blog posts, however, you will notice a few missing days. Yep. I bit off more than I could chew with this one! My challenge was to live creatively for 31 days. That alone can be tricky in this hectic household. What I failed to consider was that I would have to not only work something creative in each day but then photograph it, edit the photos and write about it. #Stop1OnTheCrazyTrain
In the midst of the madness, our internet service provider chose to “upgrade” our neighborhood. In the process, they actually took out service and have been rebuilding it. #Stop2OnTheCrazyTrain Fortunately, we aren’t a crazy television watching household. Since our service is bundled, when one goes #TheyAllFallDown My neighbor, who has kids that live and die by their television and internet games, is loosing her mind. I ordered this funky little Dammit Doll to take over to her.
I figured it was better than encouraging her to drink more wine. Between us, she does enough of that!
Don’t judge me for saying that, she reads this blog so I’m not talkin’ trash behind her back y’all!
#Stop3OnTheCrazyTrain happened last night. Our home was recently approved for a major historic designation!! The committee head called yesterday and wants to do a formal presentation with the local paper coming to take photos. Aaaaaaa…… He’s a rambunctious fella in a rush to get this done. Couldn’t really say the living room is a “coffee table re-style” in progress for my blog, the sunporch is just a mess with another blog post I’m working on and so on…So I’m a neglecting my day job, cleaning fool who needs a martini at 9:40 on a Friday morning.
New Friday Funny column
These crazy days led me to remember how much laughter helps when you are loosing the last bits of your mind… So I decided Fridays from here on out (or whenever I find something that makes me laugh) will be my Friday Funny days on my new blog. Here’s one I found yesterday on Pinterest to kick it off…
According to my momma, there’s a real good chance this is true.
TGIF my friends! And remember, the Dammit Doll is kinder on your liver than bourbon or vodka. I found theĀ one above on Amazon.
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