I mentioned back in April that I had signed up for an online Watercolor Lettering class. After my last relapse, I’m way behind in the class! My concentration hasn’t been great even though I’m starting to feel better. (Fortunately, the instructor is kind enough to extend the deadline on everything for me.) So I thought what might help me get back in to things was to try working on brush control. And to kill two birds with one stone (which is a horrible expression isn’t it?), I decided to make a list of local artist excursions I could enjoy. Over the weekend when the mercury soared, I worked on this project. Note: this is not yet utilizing the watercolor lettering skills I’m hoping to learn in my new class!! Just practicing playing in paint again after a long time away from it. I will share my completed project in case anyone else lives in southeast Michigan or northwest Ohio and needs some fun ideas!
Fun at the 577 Foundation
When I post my favorite artist excursions list, you will notice I have the 577 Foundation on it. I’ve written about them before on my blog. Its a great place! I’ve been taking pottery classes and enjoying independent potter time since late last fall. This Saturday I took one of their classes and made a garlic roaster. As soon as it is bisque fired, I will be glazing it and giving it to my sister. Tonight, I’m headed there for another class and potluck. If I finish the class project and still have energy left – always a big IF when I’m in the recovery phase – I’m going to tackle one of these two projects … a gnome door for my Mom or a new toad house for me!
I know my photography skills are the worst! Hoping to improve that this fall/winter!
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