TGIF My Friends!
The Friday Funny returns today with this one.
Don’t you just love the hokey pokey?
What song – other than maybe the chicken dance – gets people up and on their feet faster?
If you zipped through my Home Tour at all, you may have noticed this pillow. It sits proudly in our entry way.
Perspective right?

Hokey-Pokey Pillow
Since the sun went in to hiding and the snow and ice have settled in, I left the Christmas trees in the living room and sunroom up.
We need a little extra bling right?
Here’s one last look…
They are coming down this weekend as we start to get the house ready to sell.
Boo Hoo…
Selling and Staging the Old House. Build a New One.
Now it’s on to researching staging tips and arm wrestling builders to try to get a fair deal!
If you are working on staging your house to sell, check out my board on Pinterest. I’m collecting tips that might help you, too.
And if you are trying to gather ideas for building, this one is chock full.
Be sure to sign up to follow my blog if you haven’t already.
I’m starting to document and share the journey of building a new place to call home.
I’m also working on a Cabin Fever series that will kick off soon!
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