Spring changes coming to this old house! I picked up the paint for the master suite accent walls this weekend. I’m busting it open to start trimming tonight! I will share which of the three colors was the winning one when I’m done. Here is a hint…this Fab-ulous pouf is finding a home in the reading nook in the master suite.
Next up will be tweaking my home office. I’m just not loving it… Probably because I’ve never really finished it!
I need a cozy space to curl up and scribble write/edit offline. Here is my first inspiration board photo. Have many more on my Studio/Home Office Pinterest page I’m going to sort through to help me finish this room up.
One of the silver linings to my illness is that I’ve built a business for myself that I can do completely from the comfort of my home. So on days like today when I’m feeling a little tough, I can stay in my pj’s and pink slippers.
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