Maybe it’s just my Kentucky roots, but I get a little weak in the knees when someone talks Derby to me. Saturday was a big day for us Derby lovers. The new logo for the 141st run for the roses was unveiled yesterday!! It’s a great PR move designed to get people psyched up and thinking about the Derby early. Mission accomplished…
I thought it would be fun to share a few early planning details in case you want to host a Derby party (or a pre-Derby party if you plan to join the crowds in Louisville for the two weeks of festivities). I tracked down a few fun invitation ideas and – of course – some tips for making the perfect Mint Julep!
Fun Kentucky Derby Invites
These are all so much fun aren’t they? I found them in the Adorable Invitations shop on Etsy. Glad I stumbled upon this little shop. Chic, fun invites for loads of different occasions. Hard to decide which of these to order! #2 and #4 are my favorites right now, but that could change when I actually get down to ordering!
Mixing the Perfect Mint Julep
So here’s what you’ll need to mix up the perfect mint julep to toast the start of the race:
- My Old Kentucky Home loaded to your iTunes
- Mint julep cups chilled in the icebox
- Bourbon (Here’s an article to help you choose a good brand of bourbon in case you need it.)
- The freshest mint you can find (Kentucky Colonel mint is best!)
- 2 cups of sugar
- 2 cups of sugar
- Chunked ice
- A hammer and thick towel for chunking the ice
Boil to sugar and water together for about 5 minutes to create a simple syrup. Let the syrup cool. Add a handful of fresh mint sprigs, then cover and place in the refrigerator overnight.
When you are ready to make the drinks for the start of the race, mix them one at a time. You will first need to chunk the ice. No ice cubes or crushed ice allowed! Place ice in a thick towel and take a few whacks at it. Just until you have chunks.
Fill a chilled julep cup with ice, then add one tablespoon of the syrup and two-ish ounces of bourbon. Quickly stir the mixture with a spoon to frost the outside of the julep cup. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.
Turn on the tunes and raise your glasses to enjoy a toast!
One final but important note… Mastering the “correct” pronunciation of this beautiful southern city’s name. Louisville, according to my Grandpa Amos and the majority of native Kentuckians, is “Looavull”. Drop a few of of those syllables and you’ll be in good shape for Derby day on May 2nd!
I’ve found has the best Kentucky Derby selection for unique, exclusive designs. Love, love, love Derby day!
I found that site too! Cute stuff.