Last week I shared a peek at our dining room renovation on the new house…
I’m just so thrilled with how inviting it is! I’ve added a few more details that I’ll share once the table arrives.
One little blooper that happened made me more thankful than ever that my sweet little momma is so resourceful.
When I was painting, I only went about halfway past where the top of the border would go.
That left some of the old white walls from the previous owners.
You can see what I mean in the photo below…
Who knew they had used an exterior enamel on many rooms in the house?
Not this girl until…this happened…
The evening after we put the border up, I went in the dining room to admire our handiwork before calling it a day and…
The bottom half of the border – right where the white paint was underneath
Wasn’t stuck to the wall. Not. At. All.
Even though I had sized the walls the day before we put up the border, the bottom half of the border was just flapping with the breeze…
(Since we tackled this little project, I found the old paint bucket in the basement with the type of paint clearly labeled as a high gloss exterior. Ugh.)
Lift Off: Wallpaper Border Repair
This is where my little momma came to the rescue of her worn-out, stressed-out kid.
She hopped online, did some research, and was wheels up to Sherwin Williams for supplies.
Some wallpaper adhesive and a few tiny artists brushes along with a little patience was all that was required.
I was more than a little upset because this border has been discontinued and you can’t find it anywhere…
Luckily, all we needed to do was gently lift the wallpaper and use the artists brushes to get the adhesive under there.
A couple of tips?
Don’t press the paper back down until you have the glue behind the whole section
Work fairly quickly! This glue isn’t exactly a rapid drying paste, but it does dry quickly.
In less than an hour, we were back in business!
And we learned this is the trick to repairing tears or other damage to wallpaper…Adhesive, artist brushes and patience!
Crisis averted! On to redoing one of the guest bathrooms next!!
I hope you will follow our new house adventures by following me on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram! I’m finally getting my act together and sharing our journey more consistently…
Pin this Image Just in Case You Need to Repair Your Wallpaper One Day…
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